LInux Training in Hyderabad
Tech Marshals Academy is one of the Best Linux Course Training (Advanced Training) Institute in Hyderabad India. Linux training by Tech Marshals is designed to help you learn and master the subject with ease. you will gain skills to manage data, execute commands and customize your LINUX programming environment. In this training students will get a clear technical knlowdge about Linux. We are providing in-depth training in Linux Environment. It is very useful for C, C++, Oracle Developers, Java Programmers, Test Engineers and every software engineer.
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- Introduction to operating systems
- Linux installation in RHEL6 & RHEL7
- Linux installation CLI AND GUI modes
- Booting process
- Run levels in Linux
- Consoles in Linux
- Hostname command for networking
- Basic commands
- What is path and types paths
- List out files and directories
- File creating with touch cat vim command
- Creating directories with mkdir
- Delete files and directories
- Copy files and directories
- Move files and directories
- Rename files and directories
- Print file content with ls
- Vi/vim editor and nano-editors
- File modifying editors all
- File filter commands [head tail more less etc..]
- What alias and environments
- What is links and type links
- Soft links and hard links
- Linux string processing and finding files[split wc id diff etc..]
- Wildcards
- Regular expressions
- Tools for compression [gzip bzip2 xz]
- Back up recovery tools [zip and tar etc.]
- All managements
- User management and concepts
- Group management and concepts
- File permission managements
- file permission managements
- Filter commands locate and find
- Which whereis whatis commands
- Pipe command
- Package management
- Rpm
- Yum
- Disk management
- Memory management
- Swap management
- Logical volume management
- Process management
- Job scheduler
- Networking and components
- DHCP server
- DHCP states
- DHCP client and servers
- Installation and lease files
- FTP server
- Ftp installation and configuration
- Samba server
- Overview
- Installing samba
- Sharing files using samba
- Access share from windows
- Mounting samba shares
- Web server
- Installing apache we server
- HTTP/HTTPS protocols
- Creating virtual hosts
- Deploying html content
- Downloading content from version control
- Monitoring
- Process monitoring using top and more.